My name is Kevin Chan, and I am just your typical 20 something journeyman learning how to navigate the perils that come as being a Young Adult.  I finished up schooling at UC Irvine a couple of years ago, majoring in Global Cultures and as you could probably guess, that means I love having my finger on the pulse of the latest hot button trends that are going on around the world.  As a young man who lives and works in the Southern California area, you might also be able to guess that I am surrounded by entertainment and pop-culture everywhere I go and news about the latest songs, movies, and shows are all just a part of the normal daily conversation.  I would describe myself as a thinker as no matter how much entertainment/media I am exposed to, I always feel the need to be a critic.  I like to examine what I feel works and what does not when it comes to the content I consume and I hope to make that abundantly clear through my writing.  I am definitely a bit of a nerd and I am perfectly fine if anyone calls me that.  The most important thing to me that I want to be upfront about is that in all my posts, I am writing as someone who identifies as Christian and as such, that is the worldview I write from in all of my entries.  I hope you will enjoy what you find here and I look forward hearing from you all.